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Reflections of a Funeral Director: Do you have Bucket List?

In conclusion to this blog - Is this even a bucket list? It's not about the number of items checked off but about the quality of the experiences and the depth of the connections made along the way.
Working in the funeral industry, we are surrounded by the impact that each loved one that sadly passes away leaves behind. This intimate acquaintance with mortality, and through the lens of my profession, has somewhat shaped my opinion of what truly matters in life. I offer this blog as a form of a bucket list.
Lots of people create a ‘bucket list’ of places they would like to visit, activities they would like to take part in and indeed things that they would like to own. Of course living your life to the fullest is an absolute essential, because it is so true, that you never know when your last day on this earth may be. Now obviously I would love a lamborghini, pots full of money and a mansion, but one thing that is very clear to me is that family & friends matter most. In the many funerals that I have attended, although work lives are often mentioned, and the love of our hobbies, cars etc apparent. It’s the memories of good times that enriches our lives. Times of fun and joy are always reminisced upon, and kindness and love are cherished.  It’s also always reassuring to see loved ones provide a support system for each other during those inevitable times of grief and loss.

Appreciate the present moment and the small joys of everyday life. So many times we are all guilty of the words….”When I get this/have that/do this I will be happy”. Ask yourself…what’s stopping you from enjoying your life today? What’s holding you back? Pushing your boundaries can lead to personal growth and unforgettable memories. These experiences add color and vibrancy to your life’s tapestry.
Is there ever a truly selfless act? Lets face it, helping others makes you feel good…Engage in acts of kindness and service. Giving back not only strengthens your community but also fosters a sense of purpose and fulfilment in your own life.
Where you can, forgive, forget and try not to hold a grudge. Often bitterness can you hold you back in your own endeavours.

Plan Your Legacy. It’s important to plan for the end. Consider what legacy you want to leave behind. This could involve creating a will, organising your financial affairs, or even planning your funeral. Having these plans in place can provide peace of mind for you and your loved ones, ensuring that your wishes are respected and easing their burden during a difficult time.

In conclusion to this blog – Is this even a bucket list? It’s not about the number of items checked off but about the quality of the experiences and the depth of the connections made along the way. Life is precious and finite, and it’s the moments of love, understanding, and growth that truly define it. I’ve seen that it’s these moments that linger in the hearts of those we leave behind.
So perhaps these things should be on our bucket list along with that trip to disneyland and a lamborghini.. Live fully, love deeply, and leave a legacy that resonates beyond your lifetime.
I do not want to be remembered as a person who was always exhausted. I do not want to be remembered as being always stressed, always busy, always rushing, always holding together and pushing through.
I would like to be remembered as a kind, caring, loving, fun, compassionate and joyful person – a person that knows their own worth and is grateful for loved ones and life.
So in the danger of sounding like a wall quote or an inspirational meme – Let’s live life for today, accept our imperfections and vulnerabilities, embrace our limitations and strive to always be better.
Sarah xx

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Christmas Remembrance Services 2024

We are delighted to be able to invite you and your family to our 2024 Remembrance Services

This year they will be held at:

Thursday 5th December
7:30pm – 8:30pm

Wednesday 11th December
7:30pm – 9:00pm